3-Striped Flag

A contemporary figure created by origami expert Jun Maekawa of Japan. The national flags of seventeen countries have three horizontal stripes: Armenia, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Columbia, Estonia, Gabon, The Gambia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, and Yemen.

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Step-by-Step Video Clips
Written Instructions

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   all  

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Step 9 - L1, with the help of L2, releases its single upper loop (L2 teases apart the two horizontal loops); R1, with the help of R2, releases its single upper loop.

Arrange central horizontal loops so that they run parallel to upper and lower frame strings; extend with fingers pointing away from you. You have "3-Striped Flag."

To dissolve the figure (not shown), return hands to normal position, fold 2 and 3 down over their double palmar string segments, release 1 and 5, and separate hands.