
Collected by Homer Sapiens of planet Earth. During a recent alien abduction experience Mr. Sapiens was shown several string figures from Zzarg'ha; the fifth planet orbiting a G3-type star that does not appear on most Earthly star charts. He was told that Egg'phthathl is a flying amphibian "about the size of a small Ooeeyakyak." The following reconstruction is adapted for the five digits of a human hand (the arms of Zzarg'hans terminate in three pairwise opposable digits).

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Step 7 - Reverse Navajo the loops on 5 (with 1 and 2 of the opposite hand enlarge the upper loop on 5; reach through the upper loop and grasp the lower loop; pull the lower loop up through the upper loop; release both loops from 5, then reset the loop you are holding on the finger from which it came).

Extend gently so that the nooses surrounding 5n and 5f remain large and open.